
1下校 10登校



ジャンル: プラチナ認定


前作の 10登校 2下校 の娘の学校が、可愛いこが多かったので待ち伏せしながら次のターゲットを選別しておりました。その中でも妹系の今作の娘をひとまず追いかけてみることに。この日は、放課後に一人でショッピングのようで繁華街に。途中のエスカレーターで彼女の中身を確認し(下校分はインカメで生下着かどうかの確認だけだったので収録にはないです)、尾行確定としました。尾行しながら彼女の先回りして姿撮りをしたり楽しみそのまま電車に乗って彼女の家路まで尾行。朝は登校するであろう時間を考え早目に彼女の駅までの道のりで待機。彼女の小さい華奢な身体を最大限撮りたい欲望から小銭バラマキをしてみました。彼女の性格の良さがよくわかり接触してしまったためこの日を境に会えなくなりましたが、、。

”収録時間” 9分6秒
”ファイルサイズ” 1.3ギガ
”フレーム” 1920 x 1080
”ぱんつ” 生 10日分



1 school 10 school

It will be the last work this year!Thank you for always supporting me.I wish you a good year next year.

The school of the daughter of the previous 10 school 2 school school was so cute that there were so many cute things, so I was reluctantly selecting the next target while ambushing.Among them, I decided to chase my sister, my sister, for the time being.On this day, after school, I went to a downtown area alone.I checked the contents of her on the escalator on the way (it was not included in the recording because it was only confirmed whether it was a raw clothes with an inkame), and decided to follow.While following her, she turns her ahead and pleases her, so she gets on the train to her home.In the morning, I thought about the time I would go to school, and waited early on the road to her station.I tried to make a small coins from the desire to take the most of her small delicate body.I couldn’t meet on this day because I knew her good personality and contacted me.

“Recording time" 9 minutes 6 seconds
“File size" 1.3 Giga
“Frame" 1920 x 1080
“Pants" 10 days

☆ Let’s meet around the spring of 2021 next time ☆
Then have a good year!
