今回は、スーパーで働く34歳のよしの様によるM男いじめです。よしの様は身長160センチ、足のサイズは25.5センチと大きく、タバコはマルボロアイスブラストを吸われています。彼女には、とあるショッピングモールのベンチで暇そうにスマホをいじっていたところを声かけしました。M男であることを話すと、かなり驚いていましたが「楽しそう」とプレイに興味はあるようで、時間もあるということで近くのホテルでいじめてもらえることになりました。よしの様はM男のことは知っているものの、実際に顔を踏んだりするのは初めてで、最初はやはり緊張気味で、初めて頭を踏みつけた時は敬語でしたが、頭を踏まれて情けなく土下座しているM男を見て、潜在的なS性が徐々に目覚めていきます。裸足で履いていたブーツを脱がせて鼻に押し付けて呼吸を管理すると、顔を足置きにしてタバコを吸われます。足の爪が伸びていて、爪先がなかなか臭いのが興奮します。顔を踏みつけられて勃起しているのが面白いらしく、彼女の加虐は加速し、無理やり足指を口に突っ込んだり、舌を出すように指示して足裏を擦りつけます。足舐めが大好きなようで、しつこく足を舐めさせられ、強引にかかとも口に突っ込まれてしまいます。顔を踏みつけられながら乳首をいじられ、感じて動いてしまうと、強烈に顔に足を叩きつけられてしまいます。当初の緊張気味だったよしの様の姿はそこには無く、完全にM男を遊び道具として楽しまれています。よしの様の前に立たされ、パンツを脱がされると、ビンビンに勃起したアソコを観察され、背後から乳首責め、その最中も足を舐めるように命じられます。この日もオナニー済みでしたが、いっぱい射精させるようにと乳首を舐められ、手コキで「まき散らしなさい」とイカされましたが、射精欲が止まらず、自分でオナニーをしてさらに出してしまい、よしの様も驚愕と軽蔑の声をあげていました。日常に潜むS女様にいじめられるのは最高です。 ※本編顔出し
Supermarket employee Yoshino-sama is fond of the masochistic man
This time, we’ll be bullied by Yoshino, a 34-year-old worker at a supermarket.Yoshino-sama is 160cm tall and her feet are 25.5cm tall, and her cigarette is smoked by Marlboro Ice Blast.I called out to her when she was playing with her smartphone on a bench at a shopping mall with a lazy look on her face.When I told her that she was a masochistic man, she was quite surprised, but she seemed interested in playing, saying, “It looks like fun," and because she had some time, she ended up being bullied at a nearby hotel.Although Yoshino-sama knows about the masochist, it was the first time he actually stepped on his face, and at first he was feeling a bit nervous, and when he first stomped on his head he used honorific language, but seeing the masochist man stomps his head pathlessly stomps, his potential masochist gradually awakens.When I remove the boots I wore barefoot and press them against my nose to manage my breathing, my face is recessed as a footrest and I smoke.My toenails are growing and the smell of my toes is quite exciting.It seems funny how her face is stomped and her erectile surges, and she forces her toes into her mouth and instructs her toes to stick out her tongue, rubbing her soles against her feet.He seems to love licking his feet, and is forced to lick his feet and is forced to thrust into his mouth.Her nipples are stomped on her face, and as she feels it and moves, her feet are slammed against her face with great force.Yoshino’s appearance, which was initially a bit nervous, is not there, and he is completely enjoying the masochistic man as a toy.When Yoshino-sama stands in front of her panties, she sees her hard, erect pussy, and gets her nipples stimulating from behind, and is ordered to lick her legs even during this time.She had already masturbated that day, but her nipples were licked to make her ejaculate a lot, and she was made to cum with a handjob, saying, “Scatter it out," but her desire to ejaculate didn’t stop, so she masturbated herself and came more, and Yoshino-sama was also screaming in shock and contempt.It’s great to be bullied by the S-girls who lurk in everyday life.*The main story face revealed