初撮り五十路妻ドキュメント 服部圭子 五十三歳
茨城よりお越しの服部圭子さん53歳。結婚28年目の専業主婦。ご主人は製薬会社にお勤めの会社員。子供は二男一女に恵まれて、それなりに楽しい日々を送ってきたものの、みな巣立っていくとあとは退屈な毎日が来るばかり。楽しみといえばご主人の留守中にするオナニーぐらいなんだとか。そんな日々の現状を打開するべく人生初の浮気を一大決心したそうです。五十路にして火がついた貞淑奥様の御乱心浮気ビフォーアフターをご覧ください。 / 初撮り五十路妻ドキュメント 服部圭子 五十三歳
First Shooting Fifty Wife Document Keiko Hattori 53 years old
Keiko Hattori from Ibaraki is 53 years old.A full -time housewife in the 28th year of marriage.My husband is a company employee who works for a pharmaceutical company.The child is blessed with two men and one woman and has been having a good day, but when they all leave the nest, they will only get boring every day.Speaking of fun, it’s about masturbation to keep your husband away.He decided to make the first flirtation of life in order to overcome the current situation of his daily life.Please see the cheating before and after of the chaste wife who has been ignited in the fifty road./ First shooting 五 Fifty Wife Document Keiko Keiko Hattori 53 years old