媚薬の代金を体で払いすぎて廃人になってしまった爆乳妻 春菜はな
マザー Mother
マザー Mother
「はな」は不倫相手から手に入れるブツの代金をいつも体で払っていた。その気持ち良さは人間の脳で耐えられるものではなく、クセになり何度も何度も繰り返すうちにもう後戻りできない所まで来てしまった。心と体を蝕まれていった女は常人に戻る事は出来ないのだった。 / 媚薬の代金を体で払いすぎて廃人になってしまった爆乳妻 春菜はな
Haruna Haruna, who paid too much of the aphrodisiac price with her body and became a crap
“Hana" always paid for the price of the bumps obtained by the affair partner.The comfort was not something that could be endured by the human brain, and it was addictive and repeated over and over again.The woman who was eroded her mind and body could not return to ordinary people./ Big Wife Haruna Hana who has paid too much of an aphrodisiac with her body and has become a crap