
続・純愛おふくろさん DX 牧原れい子






教師を辞めた美子(牧原れい子)はつよしと共に住み慣れた東京離れて、美子の実家へと身を寄せる事に。母と息子の関係を捨てて禁断の愛に生きる決意をした二人だが、美子の胸中は複雑であった。「SEXなんてスポーツみたいなものだ!」と言いきるみなみは、つよしが年の離れた美子とSEXしていることが理解できなかった。そして強引につよしを自分の部屋に誘い裸になって彼を挑発する。つよしがみなみとSEXした事を知った美子はショックを受けるが同時に自分とつよしの関係に疑問を持つ。若いつよしの将来を自分が拘束していて良いのかと悩む美子は、考えた末にやはり、つよしと一緒になれないと決心しその夜つよしの躰を求めた美子は、SEXの後、母と息子に戻ろうとつよしに告げる。 / 続・純愛おふくろさん DX 牧原れい子


Continued, Juni Ouro -san, DX Reiko Makihara

Miko (Reiko Makihara), who quit the teacher, decided to move to Miko’s parents’ home, where she was accustomed to living with Tsuboshi.They decided to live in forbidden love, abandoning the relationship between her mother and her son, but her Miko’s heart was complicated.Minami, who said, “SEX is like a sport!", I could not understand that Tsuyoshi had sex with Miko, who was far away.He forcibly invites him to his room and gets naked and provokes him.Miko learns that she has sex with Minami, but she is shocked, but at the same time questions her relationship.Miko, who is worried that she can be restrained in the future of the young man, decides that she can not be with Tsuyoshi after thinking, and seeks the body of the night that night, and after SEX, she with her mother.Tell my son to go back./ Continue / Juni Ouro -san DX Reiko Makihara
