10th.Anniversary THE SHY HISTORY M&A
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シャイレーベル創立10周年メモリアル・ムービー!第1弾は、スーパーAVアイドル「あいだもも」「川島和津実」。新旧スーパーアイドル2人の全出演作からヌキどころ満載選りすぐりのシーンを編集した1本で2度オイシイ充実のオムニバス120分!! / 10th.Anniversary THE SHY HISTORY M&A
10th.anniversary the shy History M & A
The 10th anniversary Memorial Movie was founded!The first is the Super AV idol “Ainomomo" and “Kawashima Wazu".One of the new and old super idols of the old and old super idols from all appearances, one of the best selection scenes, two times, twice a lot of omnibus!!/ 10th.anniversary the SHY HISTORY M & A